“The Golem of Deneb Seven” takes place lightyears away, but at its heart is a story of family, and of civilians caught in the middle of the war they want no part of. It is especially topical now, given what’s going on in the Ukraine (even though it was written before the conflict there began). The story is now out as part of IGMS’s issue 40, and is its lead story, which means it got the full color cover treatment. I love, love, love the illustration M. Wayne Miller created for it!
Also, there’s the Kickstarter campaign for “Explaining Cthulhu to Grandma and Other Stories.” It’s been almost exactly 24 hours since the campaign launched, and it’s nearly 75% funded! That’s amazing, and I’m very grateful to everyone who pledged and helped spread the word so far. I already have some lofty stretch goals in mind that will hopefully appeal to everyone, so please keep sharing and talking about this project!