It’s been a busy, busy week.
I shipped out several hundred copies of physical UFO book to Kickstarter supporters, distributors, and pre-orders. I set up the digital book to make it available on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N. and Kobo. I hosted a launch party for UFO2 on Sunday (thanks to everyone who came by!) and attended a SFWA reception on Monday, where I got to hang out with some of our awesome contributors as well as hand out a few copies of the book.
If you haven’t attended one of these things, there are at least three separate opportunities for you to snag a free copy of UFO2:
1) GoodReads giveaway:
You can enter the GoodReads giveaway between now and October 20th to win a paperback copy signed by me.
2) Jim C. Hine’s giveaway:
Jim is giving away a signed copy of either UFO2 or Heroes in Training on his blog to one person who contributes to Eugie Foster’s fundraiser. Eugie Foster is battling cancer right now and could really use the extra help, so please consider contributing to this.
3) J.W. Alden’s giveaway:
JW Alden is also giving away a copy of the book on his blog. All you have to do is post int he comments!
And if you don’t win? You can always click here and follow the links to buy a copy of the book from your favorite e-tailer. Or, buy a copy directly from UFO Publishing. I’ll get to keep more of the money and use it on — what else? — putting together UFO3!3
And, just in case you need a little more convincing, before you fork over some hard-earned cash for a copy of this book, check out our first review, by David Kilman at Amazing Stories.