I am going to spend four fun and very busy days at BaltiCon this weekend. My schedule is full of fantastic events, panels, and even an author gala. Here’s where I’ll be:
W-4 Broadening Horizons
Friday, 4pm, Salon C (50 minutes)
Moderator: Joy Ward
Panelists: Alex Shvartsman, Walt Boyes
How can writers reach potential readers outside of their immediate science fiction markets?
Author Gala
Friday, 5pm, Con Suite (2 hours)
Meet and greet with over 20 SFWA authors, including BaltiCon guest of honor Joe Haldeman
LE-4 Editor’s Pet Peeves
Saturday, 9am, Salon C (50 minutes)
Moderator: Michael A.Ventrella
Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Alex Shvartsman, Leona Wisoker, Walt Boyes
A head’s up for writers on what editors don’t like to see or deal with from their authors. Headaches they’ve encountered in publishing.
G-5 Portable/Pocket Games
Saturday, 1pm, Parlor 1041 (50 minutes)
Moderator: Donna Dearborn;
Panelists: Eric Hymowitz, Alex Shvartsman, Krystina Lynch
All about games for entertainment anywhere!
P-11 Saturday, 10pm, Salon B (50 minutes)
Moderator: Alex Shvartsman
Panelists: Christine Norris , Eric V. Hardenbrook
A discussion about new magazine s that have come and gone, new zines that seem to have staying power, and short-lived publishing houses.
W-17 Writing, Selling and Publishing Humorous SF/F Fiction
Sunday, 9am, Salon B (50 minutes)
Moderator: Alex Shvartsman
Panelists: Stephanie Burke, Collin Earl, Phil Giunta, Sarah Pinsker
Panelist discuss how writing humor differs from “straight stuff”, both in the writing process and in the submission/marketing process.
P-10 From Slush to sale
Sunday, 1pm, Salon B (50 minutes)
Moderator: Sarah Pinsker;
Panelists: Scott H. Andrews, Damien Walters Grintalis, Alex Shvartsman, Christine Norris, Hildy Silverman
A detailed discussion on every aspect of the process of creating and publishing a professional and semi-pro magazine.
G-12. You Have Gaming in My Fiction
Sunday, 2:30 PM, Parlor 1041 (1 hour, 20 minutes)
Moderator: Neal Levin;
Panelists: Mike McPhail, Alex Shvartsman, Michael A. Ventrella, Jagi Lamplighter, Jon Sprunk
All about how to write media tie-in fiction for games
BL-2 The Dark Quest Books Mega-Launch
Sunday, 7pm, Frankie & Vinnies
Dark Quest Books launches their Spring 2013 titles with guest editors and authors:
Danielle Ackley-McPhail (“The Eternal Cycle”), Danny Birt, Jack Campbell (“The Lost Fleet series”), Myke Cole, Judi Fleming, Charles E. Gannon, Elektra Hammond, Eric V. Hardenbrook,
C.J. Henderson (“Teddy London”), Mike McPhail) , Bernie Mojzes, Christine Norris, KT Pinto, James Daniel Ross (“Radiation Angels”), Alex Shvartsman, Maria V. Snyder, Jim Stratton, Patrick Thomas (“Murphy’s Lore”, Robert E. Waters, and John C. Wright (“Chronicles of Chaos”), Jeff Young
R-47 Plotters vs Pantsers
Monday, 10am, Parlor 1041 (50 minutes)
Moderator: Michael A. Ventrella
Panelists: Jack Campbell (Hemry), Doc Coleman, Kat Otis, Jennifer Povey, Alex Shvartsman, Leona Wisoker
Do You Plan your Story or Write by the seat of your Pants? Panelists share the quirks and foibles of their working method with
readers. A Round Table discussion.
R-42 Is Science Fiction Giving Up on the Future
Monday, 11am, Salon B (50 minutes)
Moderator: Carl Cipra
Panelists: Michael D’Ambrosio, Darrell Schweitzer, Alex Shvartsmaon, Eric V. Hardenbrook
It seems ironic, in a time of such technical progress, and when we are confirming that the galaxy really does contain billions of planets, but a lot of science fiction seems to turn away from the future, as if, post-Singularity, it will be impossible to describe. Are alternate history and steampunk merely symptoms of a more general evasion of the future?
There are many other exciting panels and events at this excellent convention. You can download the complete listing here.